The Unique and Patented features of the Concentric Integral Bypass & Silencer (CiBAS) WHRU make it pure simplicity.


Features of CiBAS

  • The CiBAS WHRU combines the heat exchanger coil, exhaust gas control (Damper) valve & silencer into a single module which is delivered complete, cold commissioned & ready for installation in just one day.
  • Required deck space is approximately 50% lower
  • Weight is approximately 30% lower
  • The CiBAS unit is also versatile, being of a modular design makes it ideal for retrofitting onto existing gas turbine packages. To save a client the additional costs of having an additional deck being built on a platform to accommodate a Traditional WHRU arrangement there is a CiBAS variant design to operate upside down/ inverted
  • The CiBAS Helical Coil Heat Exchanger is fully exposed to the gas turbine exhaust providing a larger Heat Transfer Area per Unit Volume coupled to a Higher Heat Transfer Coefficient due to enhanced Turbulence Caused by the Geometry of the Coil Bundle. The multiple pass coil design accommodates low process pressure drop requirements 1.0bar

The GT flow within the CiBAS WHRU is controlled via a vertically modulating cylinder (referred to as the sleeve). Due to the unique design of this flow control mechanism, the stresses, forces and vibrations that a multi-lourve is exposed to, are avoided.

  • The CiBAS exhaust damper valve in the event of a power interruption will fail safe into bypass mode under its own weight with an accumulator providing the final push to achieve a seal thus allowing the gas turbine to keep running.
  • Due to the aerodynamics of the CiBAS Plug & Sleeve design the exhaust gas pressure drop is lower resulting in more power being available from the gas turbine.
  • With its integral silencer achieving 85Bba at 1 meter the CiBAS WHRU does not require any additional attenuation. Whereas the traditional WHRU requires a silencer designed to attenuate at source, even though the heat recovery equipment provides a certain amount of attenuation. These silencers are usually installed directly after the gas turbine exhaust volute, and this takes up considerable space and often restricts layout possibilities and often increases the centre of gravity resulting in a need for considerable support steelwork.

  • CiBAS can be mounted directly above the Gas Turbine with vertical radial exhausts or adjacent to the end or side for horizontal axial exhaust layouts.
  • Due to its cylindrical shape the CiBAS has a lower wind/blast profile than the boxy rectangular shape of the traditional WHRU, thus less support steelwork is required
  • With its single moving part maintenance is minimal and is carried out within the timescales allocated for the gas turbine shut down period.

CiBAS Project Reference

Arthit , Songlkla Thailand

CiTECH have been awarded the order from Unocal/Thai Oils for a total of seven CiBAS WHRU for the Arthit Central Processing Platform to provide heat to the on-board Gas Dehydration and Processing Systems.

The CiBAS C100 units are designed to be cold casing and run flooded, the units are specified to recoup at a combined flow rate of 280,000 kg/hr a total thermal duty of 15,920 kW through a Hot Oil system recovering heat from two RB 211 Gas Turbines.

The CiBAS C45 units are designed to be cold casing and run dry, the units are specified to recoup at a combined flow rate of 120,000 kg/hr a total thermal duty of 6,850 kW through a Hot Oil system recovering heat from three Solar Taurus 60 Gas Turbines.

The CiBAS C30 units are designed to be cold casing and run dry, the units are specified to recoup at a combined flow rate of 87,000 kg/hr a total thermal duty of 5,000 kW through a Hot Oil system recovering heat from two Solar Mars 100 Gas Turbines.

The Arthit Central Processing Platform is the biggest offshore platform in Southeast Asia, weighing 17,000t. It was constructed in Bantam Island, Indonesia, and features gas and condensate processing facilities. On average, production from the field ranges from 280 to 330 million standard ft³/day of natural gas and 13,000 to 14,000 barrels a day of condensate.

The produced gas is exported to the Erawan Riser Platform through a 200km long, 42in diameter subsea pipeline. The condensate is exported to the Bongkot FSO2 through a 30km long subsea pipeline, 8in diameter.
