Comprising five proven Schlumberger process technologies, the NATCO ELECTRO-DYNAMIC DESALTER technology provides the refining industry with one of the first electrostatic desalting innovations in more than a decade.
Increase operating efficiency while reducing operational expenses
- Under a variety of conditions, the NATCO ELECTRO-DYNAMIC DESALTER technology can
- Retrofit your single-stage system to two-stage performance
- Increase the levels of salt removal over any other single-vessel process
- Double the salt removal capacity of two-stage systems
- Reduce initial capital costs for new installations
- Allow higher inlet water cuts during upset conditions while maintaining specified effluent requirements
- Improve effluent water quality
- Improve operational flexibility by handling a wide range of feedstocks
- Decrease chemical consumption
- Improve mixing efficiency
- Reduce washwater requirements
- Require less space
- Provide improved dehydration capabilities.
Five steps to successful desalting
- NATCO DUAL POLARITY electrostatic treater—applies a high-gradient, sustained DC field between pairs of electrodes while maintaining an AC field between the electrodes and oil/water interface
- Results: significant improvements compared with AC dehydration
- Composite electrodes—obtains a progressive electrical field
- Results: coalescence of the smallest of water droplets while eliminating sustained arcing due to highly conductive emulsions
3. LRC-II smart interface—regulates the flow of electrical current and provides self-adjusting electrical power levels for optimized electrostatic coalescence
- Results: optimal salt removal over a wide range of feed stock materials
- Countercurrent dilution water process—increases contact between dilution water, produced water, and particulate
- Results: improved crude desalting using less washwater
- Electrodynamic mixing process—provides multistage contact
- Results: near-100% mixing efficiencies while enabling reduced demulsifier chemical consumption
Project Reference